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April to the Max @ 45 90

This April, 45 90 is celebrating Max!
If you haven't met 45 90's youngest team member, you are in for a treat!  Introducing . . . .  Max!

   This is Max. Max is our (soon-to-be) 20-year-old team member. His jobs include picture framing, design consultant, customer liaison office and resident dad joke dealer. His special interests include the environment, art and design,  electric typewriters and WW2 Jerry Cans - which he is forbidden from discussing during work hours (Do NOT get him started!!) In Max's words, he is '19 going on 90' and believe me, he's not far off the mark there.
Max has been with 45 90 Framing & Gallery for (just) over a year and it has been our absolute pleasure to see this young man develop & grow (not just in height!) into a wonderful human being. In this past year, Max has become a pretty, bloody-good picture framer and is underway to become a bona fide art nerd, just like me. I couldn't be prouder! But, of all of Max's positives, I believe his most remarkable strength lies within his care and genuine devotion to his family, friends, community and, the environment. This is evident in his many, many acts of charity more specifically, his current efforts for 

Mullets For Mental Health!  

   Before we get to the good bits, here is more info about our Max. Max describes himself as an 'art enthusiast' more so than an 'actual' artist but, if you pop by 45 90 sometime this April you will see a mini exhibition of Max's ceramic work that I believe shows a delightfully quirky charm only attainable by an 'actual' artist. I'll let you be the judge. Along with Ceramics, Max has begun to get into photography and is absorbing all the knowledge I can offload on him from my 20+ years of experience in the photographic industry. Thank goodness the kid likes learning. Bless the nerds!

  Later this month our Max will turn 20. I've not planned anything exciting (yet) but, stay tuned to our socials, just in case I come up with something fun. If Max's fundraising efforts for Mullets For Mental Health get over $1000, maybe I'll get a mullet too. What do you think? let me know below and I'll do whatever you lot decide.
Max's Mullet For Mental Health

'to mullet, or not to mullet: that is the question!

The answer is YES!

And now Steph has a mullet. Thank you, Max.

If you're able, you can donate to Steph's mullet and the wonderful work of the folks at the Black Dog Institue, here:

Steph's Mullet

  The (essential) main reason 45 90 is taking April to the Max! is to support the efforts of Max and the wonderful folks at the Black Dog Institute with their April-long, Mullets For Mental Health fundraising drive. The Mullets For Mental Health campaign aims to shed light on the need for mental health recognition and support as well as research into suicide prevention, a cause very near and dear to us at 45 90. This is why we are supporting Max and his gloriously, magnificent new mullet to help raise funds that will aid the Black Dog Institute and their research and support networks in improving mental health for all Aussies. Way to go Max! 18


Want to throw your support behind Max and this worthy cause? Click on the link below to go to Max's 'Mullet For Mental Health' profile. From there you can throw some dollars towards his efforts, share his profile, get more info on The Black Dog Institute and their Mullets For Mental Health campaign, or join up and show off your very own, fantabulous mullet! 

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